Worker wellness after holidays

The recent pandemic, disruptions in the supply chain, global instability, inflation and the whole year of 2022 have hit workers hard, including drivers and those in the logistics industry. TDDA’s experience tells us two things: people will need to release some pressure over the holidays and that some may deal with these stresses in unhealthy ways.
Prior to Christmas is the perfect time to remind your people, whether they work in the yard or sit behind a wheel, that the company’s substance policy still applies. Also, if they use any inappropriate substance while away, they are putting themselves and the safety of others at risk.
Rules are rules
Experts predict increased substance use as people struggle to cope with challenging times, and research shows that substance use and abuse increase during extended periods away from normal work routines. Ensure you have a return-to-work plan that utilises drug testing.
Managers must clearly outline their standards and expectations on substance use and testing. Do this before your team goes on leave. It’s critical to reiterate the importance of a drug-free workplace for health and safety. This makes it clear that the company is committed to managing drugs and alcohol in the workplace and that employees are aware of their obligations.
Return-to-work testing
Implement return-to-work testing for truckies coming back from holiday breaks. Return-to-work testing is the most effective way to ensure your people are fit for work and won’t compromise road safety or your reputation.
Protect your employees by contacting an accredited tester and discussing how they can help your company with education programmes, testing regimes and policy design. Comprehensive testing and an accredited testing partner will ensure your people are HSWA2015- compliant and give you peace of mind over the holidays.
Have a safe and merry Christmas holiday season from everyone at TDDA.
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