Building the perfect Scania – online

In Scania4 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMarch 2, 2020

Scania has literally millions of different options when it comes to trucks, and is renowned for customised, tailored, and bespoke trucks that get the job done. However, it it can be a bewildering process to choose the perfect setup, and customers often don‘t know all the options available to them.

Now – in a first for the New Zealand market – Scania has made it easy, with its new Online Configurator.

It lets customers specify every aspect of a truck from the chassis up, choosing the drivetrain, the cab, the engine, and even the cab colour, to create the perfect truck for their business and New Zealand roads.

When complete, the customer can see their truck from every angle, inside and out, in its chosen colour, and even request a quote online – all from the convenience of their mobile phone.

Every option made simple

The Configurator makes choosing the different options easy.

It starts with the basics: the types of trips the truck will be making and whether the customer needs a tractor or a rigid chassis. From there, the choices become more specific to the customer‘s requirements, rather than presenting irrelevant options.

The Configurator lets the customer make the decision on every detail and every option, or it can give advice based on how the truck will be used.

It‘s a simple, satisfying experience, becoming more and more specific to the driver as the process continues.

Trucks with a big TOE

“Our goal is to deliver the best possible Total Operating Economy, or TOE, for our owners,” says Deon Stephens, Scania‘s New Zealand sales director.

“That means having the right specification to do the job right, but making sure it‘s not over-specified, either. When you get it right, you maximise return on investment, and minimise the total cost of operation over the truck‘s lifetime.

“The configurator shows every option available and explains its benefits. It lets operators choose the best performance and the best return.”

Scania has spent a long time testing the Configurator, to ensure customers found it easy to use. So far, feedback has been brilliant.

“One feature that we didn‘t realise would be so popular is the ‘Share‘ function. You can build your perfect truck – or your dream truck – and share a link to it. Some people send it to their family or their mates, and others send a suggestion to their boss.”

Who can use the Configurator?

The Configurator is free to use, and publicly available, but Scania has designed it specifically to help fleet operators and owner-operators choose a truck with the best return on investment for their business.

Fleet operators can create a single standard for their entire fleet, to give themselves the economies of consistency. They can also create complementary vehicles for more flexibility and to widen their potential business applications.

Keeping good drivers is important as well. The Configurator lets fleet operators share potential options with their drivers, and even give them a budget to tweak the design to their own preferences and regions.

Owner-operators can take the time to create a truck that‘s perfect for their business specialty and their own preferences.
