Clean air protects worker health

In July 2023, Product Profile3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineAugust 17, 2023

Heavy-vehicle operators and truck drivers are often exposed to contaminated air in their cabs – from construction sites to quarries, farms to waste disposal sites and compost operations.

Airborne dust often carries respirable silica, and the fine dust from processing sand and crushed aggregates can be carcinogenic to a worker’s respiratory system.

Dust from fertilisers and livestock feeds can also be very harmful once airborne. Diesel particulates, pollen and human pathogens such as legionella, landfill gases and farm and orchard sprays – the list of harmful air pollutants at New Zealand worksites is long.

Standard air-conditioning filters are not adequate to properly protect worker health.

Cab air overpressure and filtration systems are designed to be a first line of defence – an ‘engineered solution’ that eliminates contaminants and protects the operator from harmful air and possible respiratory illness. The technology also keeps the machine’s air conditioning, heating and electronic systems safe from corrosive damage.

AC Filter manufactures, supplies and maintains air overpressure and filtration systems for cabs, equipment and trucks of any type and size.

The company aims to constantly maintain a safe and healthy work environment for operators of trucks and construction equipment where the external atmosphere may contain hazardous material. This includes portable offices and trailers, where people work and valuable electronic control systems are housed.

For when standard cabin filters are not adequate.

AC Filter Systems are in daily operation in many different industries and applications worldwide and are available now to own or lease.

The operator cannot bypass the AC Filter System in-cab controller, and it will automatically turn on when the vehicle is started. It then checks for:

• the presence of the filters in the unit, along with their condition

• the air quality where the hydrocarbon reader is activated

• the air pressure maintaining 120 pascals

• the safe level of CO2 in the cab air.

Most importantly, your valuable, highly trained operators are kept safe from harm, so your enterprise is kept from costly, time-consuming legal action.

To find out more, contact the team at AC Filter on 0800 276 582 or email Bill Hackshaw at, mobile 021 232 0088.

The system installed above the cab.

Features of the AC Filter System:

  • compliance with EU standards CROW132 and NEN4444
  • a proven engineered solution for nearly 40 years
  • increased productivity due to better work conditions
  • reduced absenteeism due to health problems
  • filters certified to existing European standards (standards and regulations in New Zealand are currently under review)
  • cooling and heating elements and cabin electronics are kept dust-free.