Transporter tender documents issued for Tyrewise scheme

Tenders are now open for businesses looking to become registered transporters for the Tyrewise initiative.
Registered transporters are those companies that will pick up registered tyres from collection points and deliver them to registered processors.
About 40% of the 6.5 million tyres Kiwis use are recycled, repurposed or used as tyre derived fuel. The rest end up stockpiled, dumped, or in landfill.
Tyrewise is Aotearoa’s first regulated product stewardship programme. It was created to prevent millions of tyres ending up in landfill, being illegally stockpiled or dumped each year.
It minimises the environmental impacts of end-of-life tyres, with its clear pathway from tyre service providers and collection sites to processing partners, which recycle and repurpose them into other useful products.
Tyrewise is the only Ministry for the Environment-accredited scheme to manage regulated end-of-life tyres.
The scheme is funded by the tyre stewardship fees, which are collected by the Ministry for the Environment on all new tyres entering the Aotearoa New Zealand market.
Tender documents can be found on the illion Tenderlink website.
If you don’t currently have a subscription (no cost), you will need to create one as a supplier to view the documents. Click on the Subscribe Online button at the top right of their home page. You will need your GST number to complete the subscription. The tender reference number is NZ-1099145
Tyrewise has already directly contacted everyone who indicated their interest in being a transporter when completing the Tyrewise registration form.
Hello sir,
We want to be a transporter for Tyrewise we based in Auckland how can we apply for this.