An Old Friend Still Hard At It

It could only be rural New Zealand: a dirt yard, a galvanised steel gate, hills, paddocks, and pine trees. And look who’s delivering – our old friend the original Kenworth T904.
How cool is it that this month 21 years ago, she was New Zealand Trucking magazine Top Truck, and this month the Rhino Photo of the Month winner. What’s just as neat is the fact that today, the big Kenworth has found a home in one of the country’s sharpest fleets – Brett Marsh Transport Ltd, Tauranga.
Rory McGillivray is the current custodian of the ignition keys and, by the look of it, the truck couldn’t be in better hands. Rory submitted this pic of T904KW while they were out doing their thing, loading kiwifruit from an orchard near Opotiki. Fantastic job.
Thanks, Rory, you’re the Rhino Photo of the Month winner for September 2021.